Entrepreneurship HUBS

Sagrado’s entrepreneurship component offers the fundamental knowledge to design and implement an Entrepreneurship initiative. Nevertheless, each industry has requirements and considerations for creating an entrepreneurship project. Therefore, Sagrado established five (5) categories to align academic programs to assist and mentor student initiatives. The HUBS have the following definitions:


Creative or Cultural Entrepreneurship:

Create and bring cultural and creative products and services to the market that have a cultural value and, at the same time, a potential to generate income to guarantee their viability and sustainability. This category includes, but is not limited to, dance, visual arts, crafts, filmmaking, animation, communications, and music projects.


Technology-based/Scientific Entrepreneurship:

Consider research and technological development projects within a context that generates income for its sustainability. The projects must have an intellectual property potential to belong to this hub. This category includes life sciences, nursing, and medicine (drugs, medical devices, and biotechnology, among others).


Social Entrepreneurship (social enterprises):

Build or transform institutions and systems to solve social problems. These initiatives must be financially sustainable to guarantee their continuity. This category includes all initiatives whose goal is to improve the quality of life of a segment or community.


Healthcare Entrepreneurship:

It is the generation of activities and solutions with a social or socially responsible impact to promote continuous innovation in the health field. This category includes but is not limited to exercise sciences, psychology, and biomedical science initiatives.


Traditional Businesses:

It establishes a novel business idea that meets a prevailing need in the market. In this category are, to name a few areas, retail (including e-commerce), hospitality and food, professional services (educational, technical, among others), transportation, and real estate.